目前分類:語言學 (11)

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Verb-Particle Explorations (Interface Explorations, 1).png

Verb-Particle Explorations


本書中的貢獻是關於動詞 - 粒子構造研究的代表性橫截面。從各種不同的理論觀點分析了與英語,荷蘭語,德語和瑞典語結構相關的句法,語義,形態和心理語言現象。

The contributions in this book are a representative cross-section of recent research on verb-particle constructions. The syntactic, semantic, morphological, and psycholinguistic phenomena associated with the constructions in English, Dutch, German, and Swedish are analyzed from the various different theoretical viewpoints.

  Nicole Dehe (Autor) 


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A Handbook of Varieties of English A Multimedia Reference Tool. Volume 1 Phonology. Volume 2 Morphology and Syntax. Incl. CD-ROM..png

Handbook of Varieties of English : A Multimedia Reference Tool. 


該手冊是迄今為止關於音韻學最全面的參考書籍,也是世界上各種英語形態和語法的首次綜合概述。本手冊由兩卷書和一張交互式CD-ROM組成。 CD-ROM的真實語音樣本和交互式地圖不僅提供世界各地英語種類的生動插圖來補充文章,而且所提供的材料也可用於語言研究。

多媒體材料現在也可線上取得。調查文章這些書以描述性調查文章為特色,由該領域廣受好評的專家撰寫,涵蓋所有主要的國家標準、獨特的區域、種族和社會、主要接觸,以及主要的ESL;共享一個共同的核心,這使它們成為跨語言比較的寶貴研究工具;提供有關各地區歷史和文化背景以及當前社會語言學情況的信息;作為當前研究中主要問題的最新報告。 CD-ROM不僅通過互動訪問來補充印刷量,還提供了一個全面的數據庫:來自世界各地的獨特的英語語音記錄集合;聲音樣本開啟了對英語變體的新視角,因為語音記錄也構成了研究的核心 - 學生和專業學者都會鼓勵他們使用這些材料進行新的調查;交互式和同步地圖,允許進行語音或形態句法(語法)比較;相關研究文獻的廣泛參考書目;鏈接到相關網站。

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Theologische Realenzyklopadie.png

Theologische Realenzyklopadie (German)


超過一代科學家為Theologische Realenzyklopadie工作,並在最高科學水平的2500多篇文章(超過28,000篇文章)中將獨特的,面向國際的參考文獻製作成科學史文獻。 TRE是研究、學習和教學不可或缺的工具,尤其是神學,還有歷史、哲學、猶太教、宗教研究等相鄰的學科領域。

die Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE) als moderne Fachenzyklopädie repräsentiert in 36 Textbänden (1976–2004) den Wissensstand der theologischen Forschung im Ganzen. Mehr als eine Generation von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern haben an ihr mitgearbeitet und in mehr als 2.500 Artikeln (auf mehr als 28.000 Textseiten) auf höchstem fachwissenschaftlichem Niveau das einzigartige, international ausgerichtete Nachschlagewerk zu einem Dokument der Wissenschaftsgeschichte gemacht. Die TRE ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Forschung, Studium und Lehre vor allem der Theologie, aber auch ihrer angrenzenden Fachgebiete wie Geschichte, Philosophie, Judaistik, Religionswissenschaften.

Die TRE ist auch als Studienausgabe (Paperback) und als Datenbank Theologische Realenzyklopädie Online erhältlich.


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Case and Grammatical Relations Across Languages The Dative Volume 2 Theoretical and contrastive studies.png

The Dative : Theoretical and Contrastive Studies v.2



第二部分的目的是更詳細地討論Dative的幾個方面。它包含八篇論文,涉及“道德”的理論考慮以及對比,類型學和歷時問題。與第一卷一樣,語言材料主要源於日耳曼語和羅曼語。當代英語是大衛的理論主張的基礎; Pasicki研究古英語中的dative。荷蘭人特別出現在Geeraerts的語義分析中,但也出現在Draye,Lamiroy&Delbecque和Van Langendonck的論文中。 Draye,Lamiroy&Delbecque和Melis也考慮到德國人。拉丁語由Melis和Van Langendonck處理。現代浪漫語言,尤其是法語,為Melis和Lamiroy&Delbecque提供了更多數據。最後,紐曼引用了各種語言進行類型學分析。

This book is the second part of a two-volume reader on the ‘Dative’. In the first part, which appeared in 1996, eleven papers were presented providing a syntactic and semantic description of the category ‘Dative’ in eleven languages. The aim of this second part is to discuss several aspects of the Dative in greater detail. It contains eight papers dealing with theoretical considerations on ‘dativity’ as well as with contrastive, typological and diachronic issues. A major concern is the relation between form (case, grammatical relation) and meaning (semantic roles or other kinds of meaning).


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The Theme-topic Interface Evidence from English.png

The Theme-Topic Interface : Evidence from English



通過使用自然語言語料庫,Lancaster IBM英語口語語料庫(LIBMSEC)以及運行多變量統計檢驗,同時考慮到節段和超節段特徵。參考書目列出了600多種出版物,為進一步研究語言及其使用的綜合理論提供了充足的資料。這些索引可以輕鬆提及大多數作者以及所涵蓋的主要概念。



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Yiyu - An Indexed Critical Edition of a Sixteenth Century Sino-Mongolian Glossary (The Languages of Asia).png

Yiyu - An Indexed Critical Edition of a Sixteenth Century Sino-Mongolian Glossary


Yiyu(Beilu yiyu) - 包括在Dengtan Bijiu(明代萬曆時期編寫的軍事通用軍事手冊)中的 - 蒙古語詞彙表 - 是關於蒙古語歷史的重要來源。 Yiyu的手稿版本是Louis Ligeti在他第一次遠征中國(1928-31)時的副本,現在由匈牙利科學院東方收藏館保存。在他的版本中,作者在其他可用的Yiyu文本幫助下重建了Yiyu混亂的材料。

除了它在轉錄和重建方面的貢獻之外,這項工作在語言分析方面是必不可少的,蒙古的大量調查問題處理中(例如後綴;不穩定的n名詞、初始h-的表示、詞典中的藉詞、缺乏或存在intervocalic velar摩擦音等。此版本中包含完整的單詞索引,經典的蒙古語參考單詞表和其他四個索引,以及術語表和塊印刷版本術語表的傳真複印件。

The Yiyu (Beilu yiyu) - a Chinese-Middle Mongol glossary included in the Dengtan Bijiu (a military handbook for generals compiled during the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty) - is an important source regarding the history of the Mongolian language. The manuscript version of Yiyu is a copy made for Louis Ligeti on his first expedition to China (1928-31) and is now conserved by the Oriental Collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In his edition the author reconstructs the often chaotic material of the Yiyu with the help of other available Yiyu texts.


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Keigo in Modern Japan Polite Language from Meiji to the Present.png

Keigo in Modern Japan : Polite Language from Meiji to the Present


Patricia Wetzel在本書中全面介紹了日語中經常被討論但又被誤解的方面。 Keigo,或“禮貌的語言”,通常被視為日本語法的古老配飾和日本封建歷史的遺物。Wetzel認為,沒有什麼比事實更進一步了。確實,日本在社會地位、心理超脫、情感儲備以及許多其他依賴於背景因素的基礎上,在區分語言形式方面有著悠久的歷史。但是,正如在這個獨特而廣泛的框架研究中所表明的那樣,現代的keigo意識和keigo語法出現在日本與十九世紀中後期西方知識趨勢的相遇之中。現代日本Keigo對英語中沒有其他地方提供的keigo進行了細緻的語言和政治評論。

第一章概述了通過應用結構主義分析及其分支,西方語言學中keigo被問題化的方式。但是,keigo在英語文學中的存在並沒有開始與它在日本語言經典中佔據的地方相比。 Wetzel描述了keigo的歷史根源和成長以及使用手冊的流行程度,她認為,這些手冊不僅僅是公開教學,也不是強化人們已經相信的內容。

Patricia Wetzel offers in this volume a comprehensive examination of a frequently discussed yet much misunderstood aspect of the Japanese language. Keigo, or “polite language,” is often viewed as a quaint accessory to Japanese grammar and a relic of Japan’s feudal past. Nothing, Wetzel contends, could be further from the truth. It is true that Japan has a long history of differentiating linguistic form on the basis of social status, psychological detachment, emotional reserve, and a host of other context-dependent factors. But, as is made clear in this unique and broadly framed study, modern keigo consciousness and keigo grammar emerged out of Japan’s encounter with Western intellectual trends in the mid- to late nineteenth century. Keigo in Modern Japan presents a finely nuanced linguistic and political review of keigo available nowhere else in English.


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Syntax A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure.png

Syntax : A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure




The second edition of this invaluable introductory text takes account of developments in syntactic studies. Dealing with the whole range of syntax, this book explains, in a lucid and approachable way, why linguists have adopted certain solutions to problems and not others. This book introduces the basic concepts used in the description of syntax, independently of any single model of grammar.


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Rhythms of Dialogue in Infancy Coordinated Timingin Development.png

Rhythms of Dialogue in Infancy: Coordinated Timingin Development



Coordination between infant and adult is thought to be essential to infant development. However, the study is theoretically and methodologically grounded in a dyadic systems perspective and relational psychoanalysis. Our automated apparatus explores the micro-second timing of 4-month infant-adult vocal coordination to predict 12-month infant attachment and cognition. This work also further defines a fundamental dyadic timing matrix that guides the trajectory of infant development.


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What is MeaningFundamentals of Formal Semantics (Fundamentals of Linguistics).png

What is Meaning?: Fundamentals of Formal Semantics (Fundamentals of Linguistics)


形式語義學的基礎是對語義學領域的簡要介紹,。通過簡單的例子,圖片和隱喻,Paul Portner介紹了該領域關於語言如何工作的關鍵思想。


What is Meaning? Fundamentals of Formal Semantics is a concise introduction to the field of semantics as it is actually practiced. Through simple examples, pictures, and metaphors, Paul Portner presents the field’s key ideas about how language works.

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Understanding Expertise in Teaching.png

Understanding Expertise in Teaching: Case Studies of Second Language Teachers (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)


The author clarifies the nature of expertise in language teaching, its development, and how teachers employ it. This book is the first detailed study of what expertise in language teaching consists of and how it develops in language teachers. Exploring the classroom practices of her subjects in four illuminating case studies, Tsui succeeds in clarifying the nature of expertise in language teaching, the factors that shape and influence its development, and how teachers employ their expertise in teaching. In the process, the author critically examines an extensive literature on teacher cognition and shows how teachers' theories, knowledge, experience, and goals shape their classroom practices and their ability to move from novice to expert.

  Amy B. M. Tsui  (Autor)


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