目前分類:性別研究 (20)

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Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory.png

Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory : Feminism and Retelling the Tale


在1970年代,Jean Baker Miller和Nancy Chodorow等女權主義的精神分析理論家正在挑戰那些以男性心理為人類發展和心理情緒健康准則的早期模型,Anne Sexton,Olga Broumass和Angela Carter等作家著手進行自己的修正項目,以傳統性別角色為基礎,為童話和古典神話注入新的活力。同樣,在1990年代,第二波女權主義臨床醫生繼續了Chodorow和Miller開始的工作,而奇幻作家包括Terry Windling,Tanith Lee,Terry Pratchett和Catherynne M. Valente都從1970年代的修正主義作家那裡汲取了靈感。正如沙諾斯所言,這二十年對於藝術家和精神分析理論家來說都是特別富有成果的時代,他們關注與婦女的自我意識發展有關的問題。撇開這兩種女權主義精神分析理論的局限性,它們的影響是不可否認的。


At the same time that 1970s feminist psychoanalytic theorists like Jean Baker Miller and Nancy Chodorow were challenging earlier models that assumed the masculine psyche as the norm for human development and mental/emotional health, writers such as Anne Sexton, Olga Broumass, and Angela Carter were embarked on their own revisionist project to breathe new life into fairy tales and classical myths based on traditional gender roles. Similarly, in the 1990s, second-wave feminist clinicians continued the work begun by Chodorow and Miller, while writers of fantasy that include Terry Windling, Tanith Lee, Terry Pratchett, and Catherynne M. Valente took their inspiration from revisionist authors of the 1970s. As Schanoes shows, these two decades were both particularly fruitful eras for artists and psychoanalytic theorists concerned with issues related to the development of women's sense of self. Putting aside the limitations of both strains of feminist psychoanalytic theory, their influence is undeniable. Schanoes's book posits a new model for understanding both feminist psychoanalytic theory and feminist retellings, one that emphasizes the interdependence of theory and art and challenges the notion that literary revision involves a masculinist struggle with the writer's artistic forbearers.


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Unequal Motherhoods and the Adoption of Asian Children Birth, Foster, and Adoptive Mothers.png

Unequal Motherhoods and the Adoption of Asian Children : Birth, Foster, and Adoptive Mothers




This book explores a deeply personal aspect of globalization: the adoption of Asian children by white Americans. It is based on dozens of interviews with adoptive mothers and adoption social workers, nearly two hundred letters and essays written by Korean birth mothers who put their children up for adoption, and field work at an adoption agency in South Korea. It also includes analyses and explanations of U.S.


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Popular Culture, Political Economy and the Death of Feminism Why women are in refrigerators and other stories (Popular Culture and World Politics).png

Popular Culture, Political Economy and the Death of Feminism : Why women are in refrigerators and other stories






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Knowing Victims Feminism, agency and victim politics in neoliberal times (Women and Psychology).png

Knowing Victims : Feminism, agency and victim politics in neoliberal times


了解受害者探討了當代女權主義和政治中受害者的主題。它側重於女性主義的流行和學術建構,即“受害女權主義” - 一種否定女性代理的被動受害者的意識形態 - 並且首次全面分析了自20世紀80年代以來在女權主義者中展開的關於這種意識形態的辯論。這本書批判性地探討了在各種各樣的話語中遠離受害者語言的運動,以及新自由主義以個人責任的概念取代結構性壓迫的概念。




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Rousseau on Women, Love, and Family


這本令人興奮的盧梭出版著作的一個重要主題樣本匯集,一些由編輯首次翻譯成英文。特色文章包括Narcissus;女王異想天開;兩性和戀愛(來自信件給d’Alembert); “關於女人”,“蘇菲,或女人”,關於愛情,母親和嬰兒(來自Emile);巴黎婦女和家庭生活(來自Julie);致“亨麗埃特”的信; Lucretia之死;論女性成為秘密事件的重大事件;以法蓮的利未人;米洛德的愛情愛德華布姆斯頓;皮格馬利翁;給薩拉的信;家庭的自然性(來自第二話語); “聖丹尼街一家”;和埃米爾和蘇菲,或者孤獨者。

A key thematic sampling of Rousseau’s published writings come together in this exciting anthology, some newly translated or translated into English for the first time by the editors. Featured writings include Narcissus; Queen Whimsical; The Two Sexes, and On Love (from Letter to d’Alembert); “On Women,” “Sophie, or the Woman,” On Love, and Mothers and Infants (from Emile); Women of Paris, and Domestic Life (from Julie); Letters to “Henriette”; The Death of Lucretia; Essay on the Important Events of Which Women Have Been the Secret Cause; The Levite of Ephraim; The Loves of Milord Edward Bomston; Pygmalion; Letters to Sara; The Naturalness of the Family (from the Second Discourse); “A Household on rue St. Denis”; and Emile and Sophie, or the Solitaries.

 Jean-Jacques Rousseau(Autor) 


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Disappearing Acts : Gender, Power and Relational Practice at Work


隨著從等級結構轉向基於團隊的結構並消除功能障礙,未來的組織被吹捧為與傳統模式的根本背離。我們被告知,未來的工作者必須是一個協作的團隊成員,能夠給予和接受幫助,賦予他人權力,並在相互依存的世界中運作。這位新工作者需要關係技能和情商 - 能夠有效地與他人合作並理解工作所處的情感環境。

矛盾的是,賦予組織競爭優勢的技能可能恰恰是阻止個別員工(特別是女性)前進的技能。在本書中,喬伊斯·K·弗萊徹(Joyce K. Fletcher)對女性設計工程師進行了一項研究,該研究對於改變組織文化的嘗試具有深遠意義,她的研究表明情緒智力和關係行為在實踐中經常“消失”,不是因為它們無效而是因為它們與工作的女性或柔性相關。



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Deep Gossip


Henry Abelove,文學評論家、精明的歷史學家,以及酷兒研究的先驅,提供關於政治、文化和性的聯繫跨學科觀點。 Deep Gossip解決了弗洛伊德對美國精神分析學家對同性戀看法的故意誤讀;在英格蘭十八世紀重新考慮性行為;評估Thoreau's Walden湖的當代意義,特別是同性戀政治;並追溯了對以往女同性戀和同性戀歷史方法奇怪批評的出現。 Abelove揭示了美國研究作為學術學科的起源,並評估了文學的影響 - 特別是James Baldwin,Elizabeth Bishop,保Paul Bowles和Ned Rorem等作家在20世紀70年代,同性戀解放運動中發現的同性戀情色。


聚集在Deep Gossip的文章證實了Henry Abelove作為美國在性行為文化政治方面的主要思想家之一的聲譽。

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Racial Castration Managing Masculinity in Asian America (Perverse Modernities A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe).png

Racial Castration : Managing Masculinity in Asian America


種族閹割是第一本匯集亞裔美國研究和精神分析理論領域的書,它探討了性別在種族形成中的作用以及種族在性別認同中的地位。 David L. Eng審視圖像 - 文學,視覺和電影 - 它們將過去以及當代對亞裔美國男性的看法視為閹割,同性戀或同性戀。

Eng將弗洛伊德,拉康和法農的主題討論與Frank Chin,Maxine Hong Kingston,Lonny Kaneko,David Henry Hwang,Louie Chu,David Wong Louie,Ang Lee和R. Zamora Linmark的作品的重要讀物並列。在將這些文學和文化作品與精神分析理論和對亞裔美國人具有特殊意義的歷史事件聯繫起來的過程中,Eng對夢想作品和攝影,鏡子階段和原始場景以及拜物教和歇斯底里進行了持續的分析。



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The World Turned : Essays on Gay History, Politics, and Culture



在The World Turned中,傑出的歷史學家和領先的同性戀權利活動家John D'Emilio在1990年的關鍵十年中展示了同性戀問題如何從邊緣轉移到民族意識的中心。在這一系列文章中,D'Emilio帶來了他的歷史學家關注美國社會,文化和政治的這些深刻變化。他探索了Bayard Rustin的職業生涯,他是一位民權領袖和和平主義者,幾乎在所有人之前都是公開的同性戀者。激進的同性戀解放的遺產;艾滋病活動家和作家Larry Kramer的影響力;基督教右翼男女同性戀者的替罪羊;同性戀基因的爭議以及關於人們是否是“天生的同性戀”辯論;而且注意力集中在酷兒家庭上。



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The Sleep of Reason Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome.png

The Sleep of Reason : Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome


理性睡眠將國際哲學家、語言學家、文學評論家和歷史學家的組織匯集到一起,關注通常分開的兩個問題:在各種經典文本中如何理解色情體驗,以及關於性的倫理判斷和哲學論證是什麼?從同性戀的慾望到結婚的愛,從Plato和Aristotle到羅馬Stoic Musonius Rufus,這些貢獻者展示了古典性的複雜性和多樣性。他們還表明,希臘和羅馬的愛欲倫理分享了許多共同點:不僅關注自我,還關注互惠;不僅僅是為了滲透和展示他們的力量,而且還要溫柔善良,為自己所愛;而且女性甚至年輕男性不僅感受到了感激和接受,還感受到了歡樂和性慾。

Sex is beyond reason, and yet we constantly reason about it. So, too, did the peoples of ancient Greece and Rome. But until recently there has been little discussion of their views on erotic experience and sexual ethics.

The Sleep of Reason brings together an international group of philosophers, philologists, literary critics, and historians to consider two questions normally kept separate: how is erotic experience understood in classical texts of various kinds, and what ethical judgments and philosophical arguments are made about sex? From same-sex desire to conjugal love, and from Plato and Aristotle to the Roman Stoic Musonius Rufus, the contributors demonstrate the complexity and diversity of classical sexuality. They also show that the ethics of eros, in both Greece and Rome, shared a number of commonalities: a focus not only on selfmastery, but also on reciprocity; a concern among men not just for penetration and display of their power, but also for being gentle and kind, and for being loved for themselves; and that women and even younger men felt not only gratitude and acceptance, but also joy and sexual desire.


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Sinners and Citizens Bestiality and Homosexuality in Sweden, 1880-1950 (The Chicago Series on Sexuality, History, and Society).png

Sinners and Citizens : Bestiality and Homosexuality in Sweden, 1880-1950


Jens Rydstrom探討了瑞典同性戀和獸類的歷史,以考慮為什麼這些性行為在幾乎所有西方社會中都緊密相連。根據日記,醫療記錄和法庭報告,這項工作揭示了不正常行為的變化觀念。

Jens Rydstrom explores the history of homosexuality and bestiality in Sweden to consider why these sexual practices have been so closely linked in virtually all Western Societies. Based on diaries, medical records and court reports, this work reveals the changing notion of deviant behaviour.

 Jens Rydström (Autor)


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Gender Development






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Beyond the Closet : The Transformation of Gay and Lesbian Life



Gay life has become increasingly open in the last decade. In Beyond the Closet , Steven Seidman, a well-known author and leading scholar in sexuality, is the first to chronicle this lifestyle change and to look at the lives of contemporary gays and lesbians to see how their "out" status has changed. This compelling, well-written, and smart account is an important step forward for the gay and lesbian community.

  Steven Seidman  (Autor)


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The Heartbeat of Creativity The inspiring life journey of a creativity consultant diagnosed with Parkinson’s.png

The Heartbeat of Creativity: The inspiring life journey of a creativity consultant diagnosed with Parkinson’s 


創造力和帕金森氏症通常並不據相同的空間,但他們在創意顧問瑪格麗特布萊克威爾的生活中,他在1996年50歲時被診斷患有帕金森病。她在英國達頓頓藝術學院和埃克塞特大學完成了她的研究(M Phil),然後前往美國尋求她的精神發展,並成為兼職教授和成功的創意顧問。瑪格麗特布萊克威爾現年71歲,住在倫敦。她有DBS腦部手術。




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Blacktino Queer Performance


在表演者和評論家之間進行重要的新對話,Blacktino Queer Performance通過理論和藝術的混合刺激黑色和拉丁語的相互關係。這個收藏包含了由已經成立的和正在形成的黑人和拉丁/酷兒劇作家和表演藝術家製作的九個表演劇本,每個劇本都伴隨著由黑人,拉丁裔和酷兒表達實踐的領先學者進行的面試和評論性文章。


無論是審問拉丁裔男子氣概的建構,理論化黑人男性經驗,還是研究黑人女同性戀關係,作者都將黑人同性戀表現作為藝術,批判,政治和合作的實踐。這些腳本,訪談和散文不僅突出了blacktino作為閱讀設備的價值,他們通過幾個學科的blacktino,酷兒和表演的概念,散發出思考的可能性。 Blacktino Queer Performance揭示了不可避免的調情,摩擦和誘惑,標誌著任何民族愛情事件的輪廓。


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Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards Gender and Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity.png

Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards : Gender and Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity


這本開創性的書借鑒了十九世紀伊朗豐富的視覺和文學資料,通過性別和性的視角重讀並重寫了伊朗現代性的歷史。剝開僵化的前現代伊斯蘭性別體系的觀念,Afsaneh Najmabadi提供了一個有力的證據,說明性別和性別在伊朗塑造現代文化和政治的重要性,以及關於性別和性別觀念的變化如何影響了美的概念,愛情,家園,婚姻,教育和公民身份。她以對伊朗女權主義的挑釁性討論及其在該國目前的文化戰中的作用作為結束。


Drawing from a rich array of visual and literary material from nineteenth-century Iran, this groundbreaking book rereads and rewrites the history of Iranian modernity through the lens of gender and sexuality. Peeling away notions of a rigid pre-modern Islamic gender system, Afsaneh Najmabadi provides a compelling demonstration of the centrality of gender and sexuality to the shaping of modern culture and politics in Iran and of how changes in ideas about gender and sexuality affected conceptions of beauty, love, homeland, marriage, education, and citizenship. She concludes with a provocative discussion of Iranian feminism and its role in that country's current culture wars.


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Women in Tibet: Past and Present 



Filling a gap in the literature, this volume explores the struggles and accomplishments of women from both past and present-day Tibet. Here are queens from the imperial period, yoginis and religious teachers of medieval times, Buddhist nuns, oracles, political workers, medical doctors, and performing artists. Most of the essays focus on the lives of individual women, whether from textual sources or from anthropological data, and show that Tibetan women have apparently enjoyed more freedom than women in many other Asian countries. The book is innovative in resisting both romanticization and hypercriticism of women's status in Tibetan society, attending rather to historical description, and to the question of what is distinctive about women's situations in Tibet, and what is common to both men and women in Tibetan society.

  Janet Gyatso (Autor)


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Gender and Mental Health



Gender & Mental Health is an exciting textbook written from a policy perspective. Based on up-to-date information from Europe and the United States, it focuses not only on the individual experience of mental disorder for both men and women, but also on a range of mental health policy issues, including law and crime. It will be extremely useful to a broad range of students (sociology, social policy and gender studies) and professionals (social work, nursing, legal and medical).

  Pauline M. Prior(Autor)


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Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Footbinding in Village China






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Between Women: Domestics and Their Employers (Labor And Social Change) 






by Judith Rollins


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