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Universe 11st ed. 2019 Edition


羅伯特·M·蓋勒(Robert M. Geller)和羅傑·弗里德曼(Roger Freedman)所著的《宇宙》在科學嚴謹與學生的理解之間取得了適當的平衡。 Universe可作為第27章的全文,或分為《星星和星系》和《太陽系》,提供您所需的詳細信息,同時還透過令人驚嘆的視覺效果和相關敘述,以幫助學生為參與天文學思想和理論做準備。

Universe by Robert M. Geller and Roger Freedman strikes the right balance between scientific rigor and student comprehension and excitement. Available as the full 27 chapter text or split into Stars and Galaxies and The Solar System, Universe provides all the detail you need to prepare students for engaging with the astronomical ideas and theories, while also inviting students in through stunning visuals and relatable narratives.

Roger Freedman (Auther) 


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Galaxies and Cosmology



Unique in its breadth of coverage and level of presentation, this revised textbook provides more on the nature of galaxies, extragalactic objects, the large-scale structure of the Universe, and cosmology than is available in general textbooks on astronomy. It remains, however, accessible to advanced undergraduate students. One or more chapters are devoted to each of the following: the classification and morphology of galaxies; the galactic interstellar medium; galactic kinematics; elliptical, spiral, and barred spiral galaxies; the interactions between galaxies; extragalactic radio sources, quasars and their line spectra, and other active galactic nuclei; the formation of galaxies; the Universe as a whole; and cosmology.

  Francoise Combes (Editor)  (Autor)


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Galactic Dynamics : Second Edition


Galactic Dynamics已經成為應用最廣泛的高級星系結構和動力學教科書,也是天體物理學中被引用次數最多的參考書之一。現在,在這本廣泛修訂和更新的版本中,James Binney和Scott Tremaine描述了這一主題最近取得的巨大進展,使Galactic Dynamics成為高級本科生,研究生和研究人員可用的銀河系天體物理最權威的介紹。本書的每一部分都經過徹底翻修,許多部分已經完全重寫。


這個經典文本的新版本是該領域的權威性介紹。 *完整修訂和更新天體物理學中引用最多的參考文獻*全面描述星系和其他恆星系統的動力學結構和演變*作為研究生教科書和研究人員資源*包括20個彩色插圖, 205個數字和超過200個問題*涵蓋引力N體問題,分層星系形成,星系合併,暗物質,螺旋結構,數值模擬,軌道和混沌,恆星系統的平衡和穩定性,雙星和星體的演化星團和更多*與Galactic Astronomy相關的量,這是關於星系和星團現象學的權威性書籍


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Galactic Astronomy



本書吸取了我們自己的銀河系,銀河系和外部星系的觀察資料。這兩個來源是互補的,因為前者往往非常詳細但難以解釋,而後者通常質量較差,但在概念上更易於理解。 Binney和Merrifield介紹了理解星係屬性所需的所有天文學概念,包括坐標系,量級和顏色,恆星現象學,恆星和化學演化理論以及天文距離測量。

This is the definitive treatment of the phenomenology of galaxies--a clear and comprehensive volume that takes full account of the extraordinary recent advances in the field. The book supersedes the classic text Galactic Astronomy that James Binney wrote with Dimitri Mihalas, and complements Galactic Dynamics by Binney and Scott Tremaine. It will be invaluable to researchers and is accessible to any student who has a background in undergraduate physics.


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Teaching Astronomy in Schools



Originally published in 1962, as a second edition of a 1956 original, this book was designed as a classroom guide to teach school students the fundamental principals of astronomy. The book came into fruition through the noticeable imbalance, prevalent at the time, of teaching astronomy at university level and not, or barely at all, at school level. Chapters are readily understandable with clear subject headings such as 'In the open air', 'The school telescope' and 'Teaching aids'. Diagrams, a bibliography and an index are included for reference. This book will be of great value to scholars of the history of education.

   Ernest Agar Beet(Autor)


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Celestial Objects for Modern Telescopes: Practical Amateur Astronomy Volume 2


根據Michael Covington在業餘天文學家職業生涯中的現場說明,本指南涵蓋了研究夜空的傳統和新穎的方法。除了更標準的技術,它還討論了當今天文學家可用的最新現代資源,如個人電腦,互聯網和電腦望遠鏡。 Covington包括有關選址和天氣的實用建議;觀察太陽,月球,行星和深空物體的詳細說明和更新的專業,如衛星觀測和使用天文數據庫。為了補充如何使用電腦望遠鏡,本書吸引了更多傳統設備的天文學家。

Michael A. Covington是格魯吉亞大學的副研究科學家。他是一名在人類語言的計算機處理和人類邏輯推理的計算機模擬方面受過培訓的計算語言學家,也是廣泛認可的Prolog編程語言專家。他是“計算機與互聯網術語詞典”,“第七版”(Barron's,2000),“業餘天文攝影”(劍橋,1999年),深度PROLOG編程(Simon&Schuster,1996年),劍橋攝影指南1993)和“高中時期的語法理論”(Cambridge,1985)。 Covington電氣和電子工程師協會的資深成員是“Poptronics”雜誌的前“Q&A”專欄作家的著作編輯。

Based on field notes made by Michael Covington throughout his career as an amateur astronomer, this guide covers both the traditional and novel approaches to studying the night sky. In addition to the more standard techniques, it discusses the latest modern resources available to today's astronomer, such as personal computers, the internet, and computerized telescopes. Covington includes practical advice on site selection and weather; detailed instructions for observing the Sun, Moon, planets, and deep-sky objects; and newer specialities such as satellite observing and the use of astronomical databases. Written to complement How to Use a Computerized Telescope, this book appeals to astronomers with more traditional equipment. Michael A. Covington is an associate research scientist at the University of Georgia. He is a computational linguist trained in the computer processing of human languages and the computer modeling of human logical reasoning, and a widely recognized expert on the Prolog programming language. He is the author of nine books including Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms, Seventh Edition (Barron's, 2000), Astrophotography for the Amateur (Cambridge, 1999), PROLOG Programming in Depth (Simon & Schuster, 1996), Cambridge Eclipse Photography Guide (1993), and Syntactic Theory in the High Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1985). A senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Covington is a Contributing Editor to, and former "Q&A" columnist of Poptronics magazine.


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Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics: Volume 2



Volume 2 contains the basic physical ideas and laws used in the study of the outer layers of a star including stellar magnitudes, spectra and temperatures, radiative transfer in a stellar atmosphere, line formation, the spectrum of hydrogen, spectral analysis, and available structural components.

   Erika Böhm-Vitense(Autor)


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Universe 9/e (亞洲區不可進口) (已售罄)

by Roger Freedman, Robert Geller and William J. Kaufmann

ISBN-13: 978-1429231534

Publisher: W. H. Freeman


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