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Raising Global Families Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US.png

Raising Global Families : Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US


關於亞洲育兒的公共話語傾向於將民族文化視為一種靜態價值觀,從而掩蓋了中國養育子女的流動性和多樣性。這種陳規定型觀念也未能解釋在充滿全球化價值的快速現代化世界中撫養兒童的挑戰。在本書中,Pei-Chia Lan探討了台灣和美國的華裔父母如何在全球化和移民的背景下談判,文化差異和階級不平等來撫養孩子。她利用一個獨特的比較多元研究模型,由四組父母組成:台灣的中產階級和工薪階層父母,以及波士頓地區的中產階級和工薪階層的中國移民。儘管有著相似的民族文化背景,但這些父母制定了針對特定階級的情境敏感策略,以安排孩子的教育、照顧和紀律,並應對不斷變化的環境所帶來的不確定性。 Lan的跨太平洋比較表明,階級不平等滲透到家庭生活的結構中,即使它在不同的國家背景下以不同的方式形成。

Public discourse on Asian parenting tends to fixate on ethnic culture as a static value set, disguising the fluidity and diversity of Chinese parenting. Such stereotypes also fail to account for the challenges of raising children in a rapidly modernizing world, full of globalizing values. In Raising Global Families Pei-Chia Lan examines how ethnic Chinese parents in Taiwan and the United States negotiate cultural differences and class inequality to raise children in the contexts of globalization and immigration. She draws on a uniquely comparative, multisited research model with four groups of parents: middle-class and working-class parents in Taiwan, and middle-class and working-class Chinese immigrants in the Boston area. Despite sharing a similar ethnic cultural background, these parents develop class-specific, context-sensitive strategies for arranging their children's education, care, and discipline, and for coping with uncertainties provoked by their changing surroundings. Lan's cross-Pacific comparison demonstrates that class inequality permeates the fabric of family life, even as it takes shape in different ways across national contexts.

Pei-Chia Lan  (Editor) 


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Introduction to Contemporary Social Theory


在這個全面、時尚和易於理解的當代社會理論介紹中,Anthony Elliott和Charles Lemert研究了從法蘭克福學派到全球化及其他領域的主要理論傳統。首次出版時,該書的廣泛範圍為入門教科書設定了新標準 - 社會理論家討論的包括Theodor Adorno,Herbert Marcuse,Michel Foucault,Jacques Lacan,Jacques Derrida,Anthony Giddens,Pierre Bourdieu,Julia Kristeva,Jurgen Habermas,Judith Butler,Slavoj Zizek,Manuel Castells,Ulrich Beck,Zygmunt Bauman,Giorgio Agamben和Manuel De Landa。考慮到美國社會理論最近的重大發展,提供了關於美國實用主義,結構功能主義,民族方法論,黑人女權主義思想和世界體系理論的章節。


In this comprehensive, stylish and accessible introduction to contemporary social theory, Anthony Elliott and Charles Lemert examine the major theoretical traditions from the Frankfurt School to globalization and beyond. When first published, the book's wide range set new standards for introductory textbooks - social theorists discussed include Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu, Julia Kristeva, Jurgen Habermas, Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, Manuel Castells, Ulrich Beck, Zygmunt Bauman, Giorgio Agamben and Manuel De Landa. Extensively developed to take into account significant recent developments in American social theory, the book offers chapters on American pragmatism, structural functionalism, ethnomethodology, black feminist thought and world-systems theory.


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Rural Education for the Twenty-First Century Identity, Place, and Community in a Globalizing World (Rural Studies).png

Rural Education for the Twenty-First Century : Identity, Place, and Community in a Globalizing World




Rural places and their schools have a long history of community-based traditions, political and cultural conservatism, and intergenerational construction of local and community identity. However, the face of rural communities, both in the U.S. and abroad, is being radically transformed by the economic effects of multinational free trade agreements, the proliferation of mass media and information technology, and educational reforms such as No Child Left Behind.


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The Craft of Sociology


在過去二十年中,法國社會學家皮埃爾·布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的工作已經成為當代社會科學中最具實質性和創新性的理論和研究機構之一。社會學的工藝,既是教科書,也是對社會科學中認識論的原創貢獻,它關注的是社會學研究的基本問題


The work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has emerged, over the last two decades, as one of the most substantial and innovative bodies of theory and research in contemporary social science. The Craft of Sociology, both a textbook and an original contribution to epistemology in social science, focuses on a basic problem of sociological research: the necessity of an epistemological break with the preconstructed objects social practice offers to the researcher. Pierre Bourdieu and his co-authors argue in the epistemological tradition of scholars like Bachelard, Canguilhem, Koyre, a tradition that identifies the construction of the object as being the fundamental scientific act. Their way of discussing the issue makes it accessible not only to academics and experts of epistemology, but also to advanced students of social science, using for illustration a wide range of texts from the various social sciences as well as from philosophy of science. The book includes an interview with Pierre Bourdieu and an introduction by the editor to his sociological methodology.


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Why Love Hurts : A Sociological Explanation


我們中很少有人倖免於親密關係的痛苦。他們有多種形式:愛一個不會給我們承諾的男人或一個女人,當我們被一個情人拋棄時,傷心欲絕,從事Sisyphean互聯網搜索,從酒吧、聚會或盲目約會中寂寞回來,在一種比我們設想的要少得多的關係中感到無聊 - 這些只是尋找愛情的方式,一種困難而且常常痛苦的經歷。儘管這些經歷具有廣泛且幾乎集體的特徵,但我們的文化堅持認為它們是錯誤或不夠成熟的心靈的結果。




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Disgust and Desire (At the Interface Probing the Boundaries).png

Disgust and Desire (At the Interface / Probing the Boundaries)






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Rise Of Social Theory (Contradictions of Modernity).png

Rise Of Social Theory (Contradictions of Modernity)



Heilbro討論了諸如Montesquieu和Rousseau等早期理論家的工作,以及蘇格蘭的道德哲學家。他認為這是自然科學,而不是道德哲學或自然法則。它成為十九世紀的主要智力模型。數學家Cordorcet和Phsiologist Cabanis是這一趨勢最突出的代表。



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The Fight Over Food Producers, Consumers, and Activists Challenge the Global Food System (Rural Studies).png

The Fight Over Food : Producers, Consumers, and Activists Challenge the Global Food System


“食品體系的一個問題是價格是底線,而不是底線是土地管理,對小規模家庭農場或有機種植農產品的環境和社會價值的認識。” - 與農民的訪談在華盛頓州斯卡吉特縣




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The New Urban Sociology


新城市社會學被廣泛認為是一項開創性的文本,是對城市社會學廣泛而專業的介紹,對學生來說既相關又方便。作為該領域的思想領袖,本書圍繞一個綜合範本形式(社會空間視角)進行組織,該範式考慮了種族、階級、性別、生活方式、經濟、文化和政治等社會因素對大都市區發展的作用。 該書強調空間對社會生活和房地產對城市發展的重要性,通過新的理論方法整合了社會、生態和政治經濟學的觀點和研究。

本書以其獨特的視角,簡潔的城市生活史,對城市社會理論的清晰總結,以及對文化,對城市發展影響的關注,為學生提供了一個理解城市和城市生活有凝聚力的概念框架。在這個經過徹底修訂的第5版中,作者Mark Gottdiener,Ray Hutchison和Michael T. Ryan對創建的文化,高檔化和城市旅遊進行了擴展討論,並在整個文本中納入了該領域的最新工作。



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Mrs. Russell Sage Women%5Cs Activism and Philanthropy in Gilded Age and Progressive Era America (Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies).png

Mrs. Russell Sage : Activism and Philanthropy in Guilded Age and Progressive Era America


這是一位統治階級女性的傳記,她在“鍍金時代”和“進步時代美國”中為自己創造了一種新的身份。一位妻子從她的強盜男爵丈夫Olivia Sage那裡獲得了社交地位,設法塑造了一種仁慈的形象,使她的公共事業成為可能。在她丈夫長達37年的陰影下,她扮演了維多利亞女王時代的職業,改革女性。

當Russell Sage於1906年去世時,他給她留下了巨額財富。作為婦女權利和財富責任的倡導者,為了道德改革和物質改善,她拿走了錢並用於自己的用途。支出取代了志願工作;選舉權集市和籌款活動讓位於最喜歡的事業的大量捐款。



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Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector in a Changing America (Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies).png

Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector in a Changing America






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Language, Culture, And Society An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Fourth 4th Edition.png

Language, Culture and Society : An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology


這是一本易於閱讀的教科書,涉及語言人類學的各個基本主題,並更加強調語言和性別。對於之前的三個版本,教授們已經轉向Zdenek Salmann的“語言、文化和社會”,因為它完整地涵蓋了語言人類學主題和學生的可及性。通過更新和新功能,第四版擴展了對該領域基本問題的報導,並增強了學生的可訪問性。


This is an accessible textbook addressing the full spectrum of fundamental topics in linguistic anthropology, with an augmented emphasis on language and gender. For three previous editions, professors have turned to Zdenek Salmann's "Language, Culture and Society" for its thorough coverage of linguistic-anthropology topics and accessibility to students. With updates and new features, this fourth edition expands its coverage of the fundamental issues in the field and enhances it accessibility to students.


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Uncultural Behavior An Anthropological Investigation of Suicide in the Southern Philippines (Monographs of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto).png

Uncultural Behavior : An Anthropological Investigation of Suicide in the Southern Philippines



為了理解這種現象,Charles Macdonald探討了這個巴拉望人民的信仰、習俗和一般性格,探索他們如何生活、思考、行為和彼此聯繫。前面的章節研究了群體的形成和社會關係、物質文化、婚姻和法律的空間化、提供了對Kulbi生活方式以民族志廣泛的描述。作者提供了對社區精神世界的見解,並闡述當地的情緒理論以及提供自殺的土著評論詞彙和習語的詞彙。有關自殺及其後果的詳細案例研究讓讀者了解Kulbi人如何對待自殺以及他們對此主題的矛盾觀點。在對統計信息進行分析之後,作者提出了五個“概況”,將動機,參與者和環境結合在一起。他最後通過研究神經生物學和遺傳學以及心理學,社會學和歷史的觀點來總結。

Until recently the people of Kulbi-Kenipaqan lived on the fringes of the modern world following traditional customs and beliefs, practicing shifting agriculture, and leading an outwardly peaceful existence in a remote corner of Palawan island. Yet this small community, basically indistinguishable in society and culture from its immediate neighbors to the north, has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world. Why would the comparatively happy and well-off inhabitants of Kulbi fall victim to despair? Uncultural Behavior investigates the mystery of self-inflicted death among this nonviolent and orderly people in the Southern Philippines.


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Paper Families Identity, Immigration Administration, and Chinese Exclusion (Politics, History, and Culture).png

Paper Families : Identity, Immigration Administration, and Chinese Exclusion


1882年的“排華法案”使中國成為第一個被正式排除在美國之外的移民群體。在紙質家庭中,Estelle T. Lau展示了排斥對美國華人社區的影響,並開啟了美國限制性的發展。




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Anthropology and Social Theory Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject (a John Hope Franklin Center Book).png

Anthropology and Social Theory : Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject


在人類學和社會理論中,獲獎的人類學家Sherry B. Ortner借鑒了她對文化實踐理論的長期興趣,重新思考二十一世紀社會科學的文化、代理和主體性的關鍵概念。本卷中的七篇理論和解釋性文章都主張重新配置而不是放棄文化概念。

同樣,他們都認為,一種依賴於社會感興趣行為的理論 - 特別是與Pierre Bourdieu工作相關的實踐理論 - 需要更加發達的人類機構概念和更豐富的人類主體性概念。Ortner 展示了社會理論必須如何建立並超越經典實踐理論才能理解當代世界。一些論文明確地反映了理論上的關注、代理與權力之間的關係,人格學研究中存在的問題質量,以及產生主體性人類學的可能性。其他人則是應用奧特納理論框架的人種學研究。



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Conservation Is Our Government Now The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea.png

Conservation Is Our Government Now : The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea


保護是我們的政府現在對巴布亞新幾內亞保護和發展努力的歷史和社會影響的民族志研究。 Paige West利用七年的廣泛實地工作,專注於Crater Mountain野生動物管理區,這是1994至1999年間實施的生物多樣性保護項目的所在地。她描述了管理該計劃的人之間的互動 - 主要是非政府組織工作人員 - 住在火山口周圍森林裡的吉米人。



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The Cultural Production of the Educated Person Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice.png

The Cultural Production of the Educated Person : Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice


11個歷史 - 民族志案例研究審查了現代學校的社會和文化項目,以及在他們周圍出現的戲劇性和非戲劇性的競賽。


Eleven historical-ethnographic case studies examine the social and cultural projects of modern schools, and the contestations, dramatic and not, that emerge in and around and against them. These case studies, ranging from Taiwan to South Texas, build upon an original joining of anthropology, critical education theory, and cultural studies. The studies advance the concept of cultural production as a way of understanding the dynamics of power and identity formation underlying different forms of "education." Using the concept of the "educated person" as a culture-specific construct, the authors examine conflicts and points of convergence between cultural practices and knowledges that are produced in and out of schools.


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The Breaking of Nations Order and Chaos in the Twenty-First Century.png

The Breaking of Nations : Order and Chaos in the Twenty-First Century


認為共產主義的垮台帶來了三個截然不同的國家 - 無法無天的現代國家,現代國家和後現代國家。

Argues that the fall of communism has brought about three distinct states--lawless pre-modern states, modern states, and post-modern states.

  Robert Cooper  (Autor)


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Research Methods and Data Analysis in the Social Sciences



Employing a clear, straightforward framework, this text focuses on the types of data most commonly produced by the basic research methods of observation, survey, and experiment, the text pairs each method chapter with a chapter on the analysis of the types of results usually obtained with that type of research.

  Thomas R. Herzog  (Autor)


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Organizing for Power and Empowerment



Designed to help build powerful community organizations, empower ordinary citizens to become leaders, and bring about major social and economic change, this book offers a coherent practice-based framework for understanding social action, with power and empowerment at the center of analysis. Topics include recruiting members, consensus building, leadership, publicity, and fundraising.

  Jacqueline Mondros  (Autor)


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