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Maria Edgeworth's Letters from Ireland


2018年1月1日將是Maria Edgeworth誕辰250週年。瓦萊麗·帕克納姆(Valerie Pakenham)精選了超過四百封信件,她出生於英國,十四歲時被帶到愛爾蘭居住,餘生的大部分時間都在公司Edgeworthstown,Co.的家中度過。

瑪麗亞·埃奇沃思(Maria Edgeworth)的死後名望逐漸減少,只有她的第一本小說《城堡·拉克倫特城堡》(Castle Rackrent,1800)是愛爾蘭貴族制的傑出代表,至今仍被廣泛閱讀。但是,她是一位多產而迷人的書信作家。她堅持說自己的信僅供私人使用,但死後,她的繼母和同父異母的姐姐用精心挑選的摘錄為朋友們製作了私人回憶錄。



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Writer to Writer : The Republic of Elsewhere


這是一個跨類型的訪談和論文集,詳細敘述了與世界上許多最重要作家的親密接觸。由編輯和資深記者西亞蘭·卡蒂(Ciaran Carty)提供的照片和充滿魅力的評論穿插其中,揭示出這些原本不同的人物之間令人驚訝的,常常是意想不到的相互聯繫。這些作品單獨提供了一些世界上最具創造力難得一見的思想;他們共同探討諸如歷史、政治、性和階級等話題,同時也反映了愛爾蘭主要評論家和廣播公司之一傑出而廣泛的職業生涯。這本書充斥著軼事,個人供詞和熱情的宣言,是文學愛好者和有抱負的作家的權威收藏。

Margaret Atwood, Derek Walcott, Seamus Heaney and Salman Rushdie feature in this collection of over forty interviews with award-winning authors. This is a genre-crossing collection of interviews and essays that recounts in intimate detail encounters with many of the world’s foremost writers. Interspersed are photos as well as a charismatic commentary, provided by editor and veteran journalist Ciaran Carty, revealing a surprising, often unexpected interconnectedness between these otherwise distinct figures. Individually, these pieces provide a rare glimpse inside some of the world’s most creative minds; collectively, they address topics such as history, politics, sexuality, and class, while also reflecting the distinguished and wide-ranging career of one of Ireland’s leading critics and broadcasters. Filled with laugh-out-loud anecdotes, personal confessions, and passionate declarations, this book is the definitive collection for literature enthusiasts and aspiring writers alike.

Ciaran Carty (Auther) 


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Henry V (No Fear Shakespeare)




Read Shakespeare's plays in all their brilliance--and understand what every word means! Don't be intimidated by Shakespeare! These popular guides make the Bard's plays accessible and enjoyable. Each No Fear guide contains The complete text of the original playA line-by-line translation that puts Shakespeare into everyday languageA complete list of characters with descriptionsPlenty of helpful commentary

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Late and Post-Soviet Russian Literature : A Reader, Book 2 - Thaw and Stagnation (1954 - 1986)




The second volume of Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Literature: A Reader treats the literature of the Thaw and Stagnation periods (1954-1986). It includes translations of poetry and prose as well as scholarly texts that provide additional material for discussion. The goal of this volume is to present the range of ideas, creative experiments, and formal innovations that accompanied the social and political changes of the late Soviet era.


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The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin


Ivan Chonkin是一個簡單,笨手笨腳的農民,已被選入紅軍。在第二次世界大戰爆發前不久,他被送往一個不起眼的村莊,有一周的罐頭肉定量和命令,以防止被擊落的飛機。 Chonkin顯然被他的部隊所遺忘,他恢復了作為一個農民的生活,並且和平地戰勝了村莊女教師的花園。

就在德國入侵之後,秘密警察發現這名神秘的士兵潛伏在前線後面。他們對Chonkin的追求和他堅定的抵抗導致了激烈的小衝突和鬧劇遭遇。弗拉基米爾·沃伊諾維奇(Vladimir Voinovich)的熱鬧諷刺嘲笑蘇聯所有神聖的東西,從農業改革到紅軍到斯大林,以持不同政見者的良知和普遍的幽默結合。

Ivan Chonkin is a simple, bumbling peasant who has been drafted into the Red Army. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, he is sent to an obscure village with one week's ration of canned meat and orders to guard a downed plane. Apparently forgotten by his unit, Chonkin resumes his life as a peasant and passes the war peacefully tending the village postmistress's garden.


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Liberating the Canon: An Anthology of Innovative Literature


Isabel Waidner

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Byron and Orientalism





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Byron at the Theatre


劇院中的拜倫是一系列歐洲學者的散文集,以各種方式處理拜倫的戲劇。首先是對拜倫和德魯里巷的詳細介紹,其中包括最近對倫敦攝政時劇院騷亂和骯髒情況的研究 - 這些條件遠遠解釋了拜倫對戲劇成功理念的厭惡。接下來有一章關於對維托里奧·阿爾菲里(Byron)的影響,這一重要主題在一個多世紀以來一直沒有得到徹底的闡述,並且遠遠解釋了拜倫在古典戲劇中的實驗動機。

文章的主體從主題角度討論了拜倫的戲劇,並將歌羅自己視為歌德和斯托帕德戲劇中的一個人物。魯道夫·努雷耶夫(Rudolph Nureyev)鮮為人知的曼弗雷德(Manfred)芭蕾舞劇有一章,而拜倫(Byron)本人也是戲劇表演者。拜倫在劇院是一本重要的書,對於那些對拜倫的生活和工作這個討論很少,很少被理解的方面感興趣的人來說。

Byron at the Theatre is a collection of essays by a wide spectrum of European scholars, dealing with Byron's dramas in a variety of ways. It starts with a long and detailed introduction on Byron and Drury Lane, incorporating much recent research done on the riotous and squalid conditions of the theatre in Regency London - conditions which go far towards explaining Byron's distaste for the idea of theatrical success. There follows a chapter about the influence on Byron of Vittorio Alfieri, a vital subject which has not been written about thoroughly for over a century, and which goes far to explain what motivated Byron's experiments in classical drama.


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The Disciplines of Interpretation : Lessing, Herder, Schlegel and Hermeneutics in Germany 1750-1800 : 5






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Calibrations : Reading For The Social


提出一種全新的社會和政治意識的閱讀方式。 Ato Quayson探索了一種在不同領域之間迅速振蕩的閱讀實踐 - 文學 - 審美、社會、文化和政治 - 以揭示這些領域的相互啟發性。他這樣做並不是為了斷言經常重複的後現代主義觀點,即文本之外沒有任何內容,而是要概述一種他稱之為校準的閱讀方法:一種對文學進行仔細閱讀的形式,其中有超越它的東西作為理解變換結構的一種方式,過程和矛盾,為文學和社會提供信息。 Quayson調查了大量的文本 - 包括Bob Marley的歌詞,Toni Morrison的作品,Walter Benjamin的歷史哲學論文,以及Althusser對政治經濟學的反思 - 並且討論了廣泛的主題:異化的比較結構。文學和人類學,文化英雄主義作為非洲社會和政治的轉折點,文學悲劇作為閱讀Ken Saro-Wiwa生活和活動的模板,創傷和後種族隔離時期南非的公民身份,身體殘疾的表現,以及後殖民文本中魔法和幻想時間之間的衝突。

Proposes an entirely new socially and politically conscious way of reading. Ato Quayson explores a practice of reading that oscillates rapidly between domains--the literary-aesthetic, the social, the cultural, and the political--in order to uncover the mutually illuminating nature of these domains. He does this not to assert the often repeated postmodernist view that there is nothing outside the text, but to outline a method of reading he calls calibrations: a form of close reading of literature with what lies beyond it as a way of understanding structures of transformation, process, and contradiction that inform both literature and society. Quayson surveys a wide array of texts--ranging from Bob Marley lyrics, Toni Morrison's work, Walter Benjamin's Theses on the Philosophy of History, and Althusser's reflections on political economy--and treats a broad range of themes: the comparative structures of alienation in literature and anthropology, cultural heroism as a trope in African society and politics, literary tragedy as a template for reading the life and activism of Ken Saro-Wiwa, trauma and the status of citizenship in post-apartheid South Africa, representations of physical disability, and the clash between enchanted and disenchanted time in postcolonial texts.

   Ato Quayson (Autor)


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The Letters of Menakhem-Mendl and Sheyne-Sheyndl : AND Motl, Peysi the Cantor's Son


Sholem Aleichem(1859-1916)創作的兩部最受歡迎漫畫小說的新譯本。

Menakhem-Mendl和Sheyne-Sheyndl的信件透過標題字符之間交換信件描繪了一場動蕩的婚姻,一個在俄羅斯城市流動的大黃蜂尋求他的財富,然後單獨離開新世界,以及他的責罵妻子,他變得越來越害怕,嫉妒、神秘。 Motl,康托爾的兒子是第一人稱敘述一個淘氣、敏銳觀察的男孩,他的家人從俄羅斯移民到美國。故事的最後三分之一發生在紐約,這使得Sholem Aleichem成為唯一在美國設立的主要作品。

Sholem Aleichem賦予每個角色獨特的喜劇聲音,以自己的方式講述現代工業社會中傳統猶太人生活崩潰的故事,以及美國之旅,猶太歷史的新篇章。本書包括傳記和重要的介紹以及英語讀者的有用詞彙表。


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Nationalism, Marxism, and African American Literature between the Wars : A New Pandora's Box


在哈萊姆文藝復興時期和之後,兩種知識分子 - 民族主義和馬克思主義 - 發生衝突並改變了非洲裔美國人寫作的未來。當前的文學思想認為,具有民族主義傾向的作家寫下了當時最相關的小說、詩歌和散文。民族主義,馬克思主義和非洲裔美國文學之間的戰爭:一個新的潘多拉盒子挑戰了這個概念。

它大膽地提出,像經常在階級鬥爭中看世界的A. Philip Randolph,Langston Hughes和Richard Wright這樣的作家,比起Countee Cullen這樣的作家,推動非裔美國人信件的反種族主義政治更多, Jessie Redmon Fauset,Alain Locke和Marcus Garvey,他們仍然沉浸在民族主義和種族主義話語中。評估馬克思主義和民族主義對哈萊姆文藝復興和大蕭條時期黑人作家的巨大影響,Anthony Dawahare認為,民族主義意識形態和世界大戰之間的運動傳播確實引導黑人作家對沒有種族主義世界的合法政治慾望。

但民族主義的政治和文化抵抗渠道沒有解決現代種族歧視的資本主義基礎。在被稱為“紅色十年”(1929-1941)的時期,黑人作家對資本主義世界發表了一些最尖銳的批評,從而期待當代關於民族主義對工人階級的知識和政治危害的學術研究。在審視大蕭條的進展時,本書側重於黑人作家向共產主義左派的轉變,包括分析共產黨人對“黑人問題”的立場,Langston Hughes的激進詩歌以及Richard Wright的著作。


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St Patrick : His Confession and Other Works


發現Saint Patrick的相關性透過他的21世紀Confessio和致Coroticus和教皇Pope John Paul II在Drogheda的美妙話語。充滿感激的與Saint Patrick基於早期愛爾蘭源於新組成的諾維娜一起祈禱
Discover St. Patrick's relevance for the 21st century through his Confessio and Letter to Coroticus and the beautiful discourse of Pope John Paul II given in Drogheda. With fuller appreciation, pray with St. Patrick in a newly composed Novena based on early Irish sources.

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From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park : Activism, Culture, and American Studies


保羅·勞特(Paul Lauter)是美國研究的象徵,提供了大量的論文集,展示和反思這一重要且經常高度政治化的學科。雖然美國研究以前被視為一個完全附屬的學術課程,它將美國歷史,文學和藝術的研究結合起來,但從瓦爾登湖到侏羅紀公園,揭示了一個獨立的,高度跨學科的課程的演變,具有獨特的主題,方法和目標。這與培育它的傳統學術部門有很大的不同。隨著軼事的討論,從具體的文學文本和電影到高等教育的未來和工會的功效,從瓦爾登湖到侏羅紀公園。

勞特借鑒了他四十五年的教學和研究經驗,以及他作為政治活動家和文化激進分子的經驗,展示了美國全球統治的多方面增長如何為美國研究注入了特殊的政治緊迫感。憑藉其軍事和經濟影響力,其文化和語言範圍,美國無論是好還是壞 - 太強大和強大,不能被清楚和批判地理解。

Paul Lauter, an icon of American Studies who has been a primary agent in its transformation and its chief ambassador abroad, offers a wide-ranging collection of essays that demonstrate and reflect on this important and often highly politicized discipline. While American Studies was formerly seen as a wholly subsidiary academic program that loosely combined the study of American history, literature, and art, From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park reveals the evolution of an independent, highly interdisciplinary program with distinctive subjects, methods, and goals that are much different than the traditional academic departments that nurtured it. With anecdote peppered discussions ranging from specific literary texts and movies to the future of higher education and the efficacy of unions, From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park entertains even as it offers a twenty-first century account of how and why Americanists at home and abroad now do what they do.


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The Misfit of the Family : Balzac and the Social Forms of Sexuality


在超過九十部小說和小說中,Honore de Balzac(1799-1850)創造了一個擁有超過兩千個角色的宇宙。 “家庭的錯誤”揭示了Balzac如何想像他的小說中密集、生動地呈現的社會世界,將他的寫作作為一種強有力的手段來理解和分析 - 以及代表一系列形式的性行為。Michael Lucey從小說家的作品中脫離了許多精神分析的方法,他認為,為了掌握巴爾扎克所理解性行為的全部複雜性,有必要理解他如何構想其與家庭、歷史、經濟、法律的關係。家庭的錯誤是一個令人信服的論點,即Balzac必須被認真對待,作為主要發明者和分析性與社會之間聯繫的新工具提供者,這是一個令人信服的論點。

Lucey對小說家部署“性騷擾”的描述推動了他的大多數規範作品, Lucey借鑒了Michel Foucault和Pierre Bourdieu的思想,並參與了19世紀法國小說評論家的工作,其中包括Naomi Schor,D.A。

In more than ninety novels and novellas, Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) created a universe teeming with over two thousand characters. The Misfit of the Family reveals how Balzac, in imagining the dense, vividly rendered social world of his novels, used his writing as a powerful means to understand and analyze-as well as represent-a range of forms of sexuality. Moving away from the many psychoanalytic approaches to the novelist's work, Michael Lucey contends that in order to grasp the full complexity with which sexuality was understood by Balzac, it is necessary to appreciate how he conceived of its relation to family, history, economics, law, and all the many structures within which sexualities take form.The Misfit of the Family is a compelling argument that Balzac must be taken seriously as a major inventor and purveyor of new tools for analyzing connections between the sexual and the social.


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Culture and Society in Ireland Since 1750 : Essays in Honour of Gearoid O Tuathaigh


自1750年以來愛爾蘭的文化與社會:紀念Gearoid O Tuathaigh的文章,收集特別委託的文本和論文,以紀念Gearoid O Tuathaigh作為傑出學術和教育家的職業生涯。

Culture and Society in Ireland since 1750: Essays in honour of Gearoid O Tuathaigh collects specially commissioned texts and essays to commemorate Gearoid O Tuathaigh's career as a distinguished academic and educator.

  Niall O Ciosain  (Autor)


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The Cambridge Companion to Allegory





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Out of Bounds: Seven Stories of Conflict and Hope (Jane Addams Award Book (Awards))



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The Diary of Pelly D


Toni V是一名為City Five拆遷人員工作的少年。在通過混凝土鑽探時,他挖掘出一個被淹沒的水罐,裡面裝有一張裹著褪色牛皮紙的包裹。雖然他應該回過頭來搶救任何東西,但托尼V將包裹偷偷帶回了房間,解開了包裝,並找到了一本筆記本。

這是Pelly D的日記。這完全是秘密,所以如果你正在閱讀它,我已經討厭你了。

Toni V讀得越多,他認為他就越富有、愚蠢和小氣。然而,他不禁開始關心她,尤其是她的話語慢慢地揭示了她的世界令人不寒而栗的狀態。


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Powers of Horror : An Essay on Abjection


“Kristeva是當代法國批評中的主要聲音之一,與Genette,Foucault,Greimas等人的名字一致......恐怖的力量是對當代法國文學一個很好的介紹,在目前強調敘述話語模式方面有些被忽略,例如,Céline的片段是對這位作家感興趣的人不可或缺的讀物,並將他置於一個既有啟發性又有普遍興趣的環境中。“ - Paul de Man


"Kristeva is one of the leading voices in contemporary French criticism, on a par with such names as Genette, Foucault, Greimas and others. . . Powers of Horror is an excellent introduction to an aspect of contemporary French literature which has been allowed to become somewhat neglected in the current emphasis on paraphilosophical modes of discourse. The sections on Céline, for example, are indispensable reading for those interested in this writer and place him within a context that is both illuminating and of general interest." -Paul de Man

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