International Law 5th Edition
Malcolm N. Shaw的暢銷國際法教科書第五版,包括國家間法院和法庭的新材料,仲裁法庭以及世貿組織等國際機構的作用。對於學生和從業者來說,它仍將是寶貴的資源。對國際關係和政治科學的學生來說是必不可少的閱讀,但文本的範圍也使律師,政府和國際僱員感興趣。
Fully revised and updated to December 2002, Malcolm Shaw's bestselling textbook on international law is a clear, authoritative and comprehensive introduction to the subject. The fifth edition includes new material on Inter-state Courts and Tribunals, arbitration tribunals and the role of international institutions such as the WTO. It will remain an invaluable resource for students and practitioners alike. While essential reading for students of international relations and the political sciences, the scope of the text also makes it of interest to lawyers and government and international employees. Previous Edition Hb (1997): 0-521-59384-0 Previous Edition Pb (1997): 0-521-57667-9
Malcolm N. Shaw(Autor)
Publisher:Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-0521531832
原價 US 48.57 台幣 NT$1700
