Goethe: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
1878年,維多利亞時代的評論家馬修·阿諾德(Matthew Arnold)寫道:“歌德是現代最偉大的詩人,因為他擁有非常可觀的詩歌天賦,同時他對生命的批評也是寬廣,深入和豐富的,迄今為止我們最偉大的現代人
在這本非常簡短的介紹中,里奇·羅伯遜涵蓋了約翰·沃爾夫岡·馮·歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1749-1832)的生平和工作:科學家,管理者,藝術家,藝術評論家和最高文學作家。看看歌德的詩歌,小說和戲劇作品,以及他的旅遊寫作,自傳,藝術和美學的散文,羅伯遜分析了他的作品中的一些關鍵主題:愛情,自然,宗教和悲劇。為了消除歌德對維多利亞時代聖賢的誤解,羅伯遜表示,他的藝術有多少根植於動蕩的個人矛盾之中,並且借鑒了最近的研究,以呈現伴隨著歌德作品的科學工作和政治活動的完整肖像。
關於系列:牛津大學出版社出版的Very Short Introductions系列在幾乎每個學科領域都有數百種書名。這些袖珍書籍是迅速在新課題領先的完美方式。我們的專家作者將事實,分析,觀點,新觀點和熱情結合在一起,使有趣和富有挑戰性的主題具有高度的可讀性。
In 1878 the Victorian critic Matthew Arnold wrote: 'Goethe is the greatest poet of modern times... because having a very considerable gift for poetry, he was at the same time, in the width, depth, and richness of his criticism of life, by far our greatest modern man.'
In this Very Short Introduction Ritchie Robertson covers the life and work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832): scientist, administrator, artist, art critic and supreme literary writer in a vast variety of genres. Looking at Goethe's poetry, novels and drama pieces, as well as his travel writing, autobiography, and essays on art and aesthetics, Robertson analyses some of the key themes in his works: love, nature, religion and tragedy. Dispelling the misconception of Goethe as a sedate Victorian sage, Robertson shows how much of his art was rooted in turbulent personal conflicts, and draws on recent research to present a complete portrait of the scientific work and political activity which accompanied Goethe's writings.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Ritchie Robertson(Autor)
Publisher:Oxford University Press
ISBN: 978-0199689255
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