Catholic Emancipation  A Shake to Men%5Cs Minds.png

Catholic Emancipation: A Shake to Men's Mind


在十九世紀初,天主教徒仍然被法律排除在公共和政治生活之外,對他們的反感和不信任仍然受到很大的影響。本書考察了他們解放事件的順序。這顯示了丹尼爾·奧康奈爾(Daniel O'Connell)在1828年克萊爾郡(County Clare)選舉中的“光榮無血的勝利”如何促使惠靈頓公爵政府改變法律。

然後,惠靈頓和國王他們反對條例草案,理由是這樣做會違反他的加冕誓言,最後的戲劇性投降使得奧康奈爾能夠在1829年5月在康斯坦茨就職。溫迪欣德還認為,條例草案與當代政治舞台的其他方面 - 議會改革的壓力,上議院與下議院之間的關係變化,君主權力的下降以及愛爾蘭民族主義的興起,都有關係。她表明,解放既不像其他人所希望的那樣,也不像有些人所希望的那樣,為愛爾蘭帶來和平與繁榮,從而破壞英國憲法。

At the beginning of the 19th century catholics were still excluded by law from public and political life, and there was still much popular antipathy and mistrust of them. This book examines the sequence of events that brought about their emancipation. It shows how Daniel O'Connell's "glorious and bloodless victory" at the election in County Clare in 1828 pushed the Duke of Wellington's government towards a change in the law. It then examines the negotiations between Wellington and the King, who opposed the Bill on the grounds that to do so would violate his coronation oath, and the final dramatic surrender which allowed O'Connell to take his seat in the Commmons in May 1829. Wendy Hinde also considers the Bill's relation to other important aspects of the contemporary political scene - the pressure for parliamentary reform, the changing relationship between the Lords and the Commons, the declining power of the monarch, and the rise of Irish nationalism. She shows that emancipation neither undermined the British constitution, as some feared, nor brought peace and prosperity to Ireland, as others hoped.

  Wendy Hinde (Autor)


Publisher: Blackwell Publishers 

ISBN:       978-0631167839  

原價  £:47    NT$:2350  ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌


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