Starting Points for ICT Regulation Volume 9 Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One liners (Information Technology and Law Series).png

Starting Points for ICT Regulation: Volume 9: Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-liners: v. 9 (Information Technology and Law Series)  



“在線”這個詞是什麼意思?我們什麼時候才能進入在線環境,離開“離線”世界?與離線世界相比,它是不同的,獨立的,甚至獨一無二的?我們需要在什麼情況下進行監管?對於製定監管框架來解決與快速發展的技術發展相關的社會變革的立法者,政策制定者,監管者和政治家來說,這些已經變得很重要,但卻是一個複雜的問題。為了更加統一,有效地處理信息通信技術和互聯網的監管問題,各國政府和國際組織製定了“離線,線上”,“規範應技術中立”的監管“起點” 。本書詳細地回顧了這些監管的起點,系統地探討了它們在國際電子監管中的應用,意義和價值。
What does the term 'on-line' mean? When do we actually enter the on-line environment and leave the 'off-line' world? Is it different, separate, or even unique compared to the off-line world? In what cases do we need to regulate it, and how? These have become important, but complex questions for law-makers, policy-makers, regulators, and politicians who design regulatory frameworks to address societal changes related to fast-moving technological developments. In order to more consistently and effectively deal with ICT and Internet regulation, governments and international organizations have developed regulatory 'starting points', such as 'what holds off-line, must hold on-line' and 'regulation should be technology-neutral'. This book questions these regulatory starting points in detail and systematically explores their application, meaning and value for international e-regulation.

  Bert-Jaap Koops (Autor)


Publisher: Asser Press 

ISBN:  978-9067042161 

原價     US:96   NT$:3360    ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌

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