An Equation That Changed the World Newton, Einstein, and the Theory of Relativity.png

An Equation That Changed the World: Newton, Einstein, and the Theory of Relativity




Fritzsch offers readers the opportunity to listen in on a meeting of Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and a present-day physicist. While he introduces the theory of relativity, Fritzsch teaches its sources, its workings, and the ways it has revolutionized our view of the physical world. An Equation That Changed the World dramatizes the importance of relativity, for the human race, and the survival of our planet.

  Harald Fritzsch (Autor)


Publisher: University of Chicago Press 

ISBN:  978-0226265582 

  原價  US:26   特價 NT:620  ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌


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