make art not war
Politics and Method
Meth Wars
Radical Thinkers Set 14
Magical Marxism Subversive Politics and the Imagination
Unilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy International Perspectives
Strategic Thinking An Introduction and Farewell
Globalization and State Power Who Wins When America Rules
The Heroic and Creative Meaning of Socialism Selected Essays of Jose Carlos Mariategui (Revolutionary Studies Series)
Strangers in Our Midst The Political Philosophy of Immigration
Critical Practices in International Theory Selected Essays
Client State
Matters of Opinion Talking About Public Issues (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics)
The Political Classics Green to Dworkin
Three-Way Street Strategic Reciprocity in World Politics
Religion and State The Muslim Approach to Politics
Japan and Greater China Political Economy and Military Power in the Asian Century
Linguistic Engineering Language and Politics in Mao's China
Colonial Legacies Economic and Social Development in East and Southeast Asia
Rising to the Challenge China’s Grand Strategy and International Security (Studies in Asian Security)
The Size of Nations (The MIT Press)
Decolonizing Nature Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology
What Animals Teach Us about Politics
Giorgio Agamben Beyond the Threshold of Deconstruction (Commonalities)
Critique of Forms of Life
The Time of Our Lives A conversation about America
The Costliest Pearl China's Struggle for India's Ocean
Politics 5th
Gift Exchange The Transnational History of a Political Idea
World Ordering A Social Theory of Cognitive Evolution
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration (The Politically Incorrect Guides)
China and Southeast Asia in the Xi Jinping Era
Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory
Multitude War and Democracy in the Age of Empire
The Political Economy of Resource Regulation An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015
PC Worlds Political Correctness and Rising Elites at the End of Hegemony
Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization Civilization The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings Volume 1
Rebel Power Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win
- Friedrich Engels and Modern Social and Political Theory【政治科學/歷史與理論/政治思想/共產主義,後共產主義和社會主義】
- The Political Economy of Resource Regulation: An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015【自然/自然資源 政治科學/公共政策/環境政策】
- PC Worlds: Political Correctness and Rising Elites at the End of Hegemony【社會科學/人類學/文化與社會/政治科學/審查制度】
- 【政治科學/世界/中東/政治思想/民主/社會科學/社會學】Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization: Civilization: The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings (Volume 1)
- Rebel Power: Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win【政治科學:自治和獨立運動,自我決定,國家,政治暴力,組織行為,歷史; 20世紀;實例探究】 台大政治選書
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- 2020/10/14
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