Building Academic Success on Social and Emotional Learning What Does the Research Say
Consciousness and the Brain Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts
Trauma Culture and Metaphor Pathways of Transformation and Integration
Mapping the Mind
Anger The Seven Deadly Sins (New York Public Library Lectures in Humanities)
Ecrits A Selection
The Social Psychology of Gender How Power and Intimacy Shape Gender Relations (Texts in Social Psychology)
Trumpism A Cultural Psycho Genesis
The Heartbeat of Creativity The inspiring life journey of a creativity consultant diagnosed with Parkinson’s
Wrestling with Behavioral Genetics Science, Ethics, and Public Conversation
The Social Cure
The Nature of Prejudice Society, discrimination and moral exclusion
- Trumpism: A Cultural Psycho Genesis【精神分析理論(弗洛伊德心理學)】
- The Heartbeat of Creativity : The Inspiring Life Journey of a Creativity Consultant Diagnosed with Parkinson's【大眾心理學,記憶改善與思維技巧】
- Wrestling with Behavioral Genetics: Science, Ethics, and Public Conversation【行為理論(Behaviourism),遺傳學(非醫學)】
- The Social Cure【心理/社會心理學】
- The Nature of Prejudice: Society, discrimination and moral exclusion (Explorations in Social Psychology)【心理/社會心理學】
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- 2019/11/15
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