From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park Activism, Culture, and American Studies (New Americanists).png

From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park : Activism, Culture, and American Studies


保羅·勞特(Paul Lauter)是美國研究的象徵,提供了大量的論文集,展示和反思這一重要且經常高度政治化的學科。雖然美國研究以前被視為一個完全附屬的學術課程,它將美國歷史,文學和藝術的研究結合起來,但從瓦爾登湖到侏羅紀公園,揭示了一個獨立的,高度跨學科的課程的演變,具有獨特的主題,方法和目標。這與培育它的傳統學術部門有很大的不同。隨著軼事的討論,從具體的文學文本和電影到高等教育的未來和工會的功效,從瓦爾登湖到侏羅紀公園。

勞特借鑒了他四十五年的教學和研究經驗,以及他作為政治活動家和文化激進分子的經驗,展示了美國全球統治的多方面增長如何為美國研究注入了特殊的政治緊迫感。憑藉其軍事和經濟影響力,其文化和語言範圍,美國無論是好還是壞 - 太強大和強大,不能被清楚和批判地理解。

Paul Lauter, an icon of American Studies who has been a primary agent in its transformation and its chief ambassador abroad, offers a wide-ranging collection of essays that demonstrate and reflect on this important and often highly politicized discipline. While American Studies was formerly seen as a wholly subsidiary academic program that loosely combined the study of American history, literature, and art, From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park reveals the evolution of an independent, highly interdisciplinary program with distinctive subjects, methods, and goals that are much different than the traditional academic departments that nurtured it. With anecdote peppered discussions ranging from specific literary texts and movies to the future of higher education and the efficacy of unions, From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park entertains even as it offers a twenty-first century account of how and why Americanists at home and abroad now do what they do.

Drawing on his forty-five years of teaching and research as well as his experience as a political activist and a cultural radical, Lauter shows how a multifaceted increase in the United States' global dominion has infused a particular political urgency into American Studies. With its military and economic influence, its cultural and linguistic reach, the United States is-for better or for worse-too formidable and potent not to be understood clearly and critically.

  Paul Lauter (Autor)

Publisher:Duke University Press Books 

ISBN:    978-0822326717 

原價   US 19.95 台幣價 NT$740 


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