Free Will A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy).png

Free Will: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy)




本書專為高級本科生而設計,旨在全面了解該領域的問題和辯論。這是由兩位辯論的主要參與者所撰寫,一個關於自由意志和決定論問題的兼職人士(Michael McKenna)和(Derk Pereboom),兩位作者獲得了令人欽佩的客觀性和清晰度,同時仍然照亮了該領域的複雜性和進步的關鍵。




It is written by two of the leading participants in those debates―a compatibilist on the issue of free will and determinism (Michael McKenna) and an incompatibilist (Derk Pereboom). These two authors achieve an admirable objectivity and clarity while still illuminating the field’s complexity and key advances. Each chapter is structured to work as one week’s primary reading in a course on free will, while more advanced courses can dip into the annotated further readings, suggested at the end of each chapter. A comprehensive bibliography as well as detailed subject and author indexes are included at the back of the book.

  Michael McKenna(Autor)


Publisher: Routledge

ISBN:  978-0415996860 

原價      £85 NT:3720   ||PIXNET_ARTICLE_TAGS||痞市集,圖書╱雜誌     


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